How to perceive the 4th spatial dimension and why it benefits your brand

Spirit of a Brand
8 min readJun 30, 2021


I have a hypothesis that suggests we are higher dimensional beings. All it takes is a willingness to shift your perspective, only slightly. It’s sort of like Neuro Linguistic Programming, except instead of words, you’re efforts will only require you to recondiser your perceived reality of what actually is. I promise you it is NOT woo woo; however, it isn’t aligned with what consensus says is our reality, and logic convinces us our ability to perceive a 5th dimension is beyond our human capabilites. I for one, do not agree and I’ll explain WHY towards the middle of this artcile. So feel free to skip ahead to the gifs below if you’re finding your curiosity peaked or your patience tested.

Over these last few months we’ve been fortunate enough to listen in on several Clubhouse calls. We’re moving close and closer to discovering what it is that drives people towards achieving their goals, wether personal, professional or business related. We’re tapping into one anothers’ expertise, experiences and perspectives — with the major benefit of connecting with one another as we build a solid network towards good growth. It seems, as we learn more and more about the underlinings of success it’s becoming clear that what we’re actually doing with our businesses is selling our self and through us, an experience. An experienece that our business designs and systemizes through service and expertise. The more memorable, beneficial, successful or enjoyable the experience- the more likely it is a client will return or a prospect agree to a contract. That isn’t to say that if what your selling isn’t succesful you as an individual are no good. What it actually suggests is that your business should engage its customers with the knowing that there is more to them than what you see, and the more you learn about them the more efficient your business and personal systems can become.

We have learned through Mod squad conversations about nurturing relationships, energy selling, reciprocity and karmic banks. We’ve learned about being brave enough to take a stance and potentially making enemies in that process. We’ve learned about asking the right questions that allow for deeper conversations while keeping a sincere interest in those you engage and an honest intention to help them with their pain points or goals. We have also learned about helping clients align themselves and their business to their Why so that they show up with a clear purpose. Not to mention the several more discussions that have emphasized the importance of self care, self awareness and self compassion to become more effective at our work on a daily bases.

The reason I mention these points is because our success does not only directly come from practical methods, or what is observable. The conscious experience of being human and being connected is a hard truth that deserves to be acknowledged and taken into consideration at every turn of your business decisions. For obvious reasons we seem to only measure success through that which is observable. If youre making money, business is good- if your analytics show growth, business is good- if your garnering attention and getting more opportunities, business is good. Yet, we do not realize that what we’re measuring is only an observable slice, a fraction of the whole truth of what success really is.

There is so much more going on within and around us than what we know is there. For example- the Rainbow is only an observable slice of the color spectrum that humans can perceive. Our emotions are the same, the more we learn to identify the incredibly enormous field of emotions that exist within us, the more emotions we learn to perceive. I know, its unbelievable ( Read: How Emotions are Made) but its true. These examples are akin to the tip of the ice berg and the massive body of ice hiding beneath sea level. We tend believe the tip of the ice berg is all there is.

The main reason is because our perception of reality is exclusively shaped by our experiences and our understanding of those experiences. In other words, we cannot reflect or think back on an experience we have not collected; therefore, we can only understand our reality through the experiences we HAVE collected. We are inseperable from the all encompassing seemlessly connected moments of life- and so we are as much a part of everything that is, as it is a part of us. What does this actually mean though, and why does it matter?

What it means is that you, as you are now- sitting or standing and reading- is as much a part of the environment and reality youre immediately collecting infront of you and around you. Things you wouldn’t think are a part of you, are — like your computer screen, and the words in this article, and my past self organizing my thoughts to share with others in the future. You as you are now, the reader, reading my thoughts. Consider this- What you just read is now a collected experience and is as real as the gravity keeping you grounded to the surface below. The content you consume effects the way you perceive your reality.

NOW- Let’s discuss dimensions.

We have been taught that we live in a 3D spacial reality along with the dimension of time. Quick exercise- pick an object- any object to observe. It has depth, width and height (3 spacial dimensions). A naturalist would say this object exists strictly as a 3dimensional object, so convincingly they almost negate the reality of the dimension of time. However, we know we have a relationship with time… Take the object you’re observing and hide it. If time did not exist you could not recall where you left it. Respectively, not having a relationship with the future is like shooting a ball with no target. Now, take the object from where you hid it and throw it in the air with the intention to catch it…. It’s a seemless transtion and expression of motion, threading together what happened then, to now, to what’s next. It’s a new, neat and trivial experience that is now uniquely all yours.

A 3 dimensional object also keeps 1 and 2 dimensions within it. Imagine the object you exercised with has a center point, its center of gravity — 1 dimension. Also, take note of the surface area your object occupies — 2 dimensions. Still_ we can only ever experience our truth as what we perceive it now, and so we believe that’s all there is. It’s precisely because we believe that’s all there is, we behave with this understanding of reality consistently, and we reinforce this idea because we treat it as if it where so. The perpetual cycle continues and our perception of reality doesn’t change. Its embedded.

FINALLY !!!! We’re at the payoff. You are officially familiar with the 4 dimensions of reality we know as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

EXCEPT! What if we could learn to perceive a 4th spatial dimension? Could we learn to perceive this extra dimension the same way we can learn to perceive new emotions? What if we became so familiar with color that we could distinguish the differences in our color spectrum, and when broken down, the spectrum would yield millions of more colors than the 7 we identify in the rainbow.

This is a gif of a tesseract. You have likely heard of a tesseract in Marvel movies so this is potentially really exciting for all you cultural well rounded movie watching folk. According to Wikipedia — “In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analogue of a the cube; the tesseract is to a cube as a cube is to a square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of six square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of eight cubical cells.” Here’s another gif of a tesseract.

Animated GIF created by Bill Domonkos.

Picture yourself walking within the center cube. It’s as if youre constantly moving into new moments and spaces as you collect, process and release the overlapping moments of life transitioning into the next. I imagine it more like a heart beat — a constant receiving and giving of life. A persistent input and output of information. However, the most important imformation, is the information you choose to keep because it’s that specific knowledge that helps you get to where you’re going to next.

You see? Shifting your perspective wasn’t so hard to do was it? Absolutely nothing about your reality has changed. All that was challenged was your understanding of reality. Has your perception broadened? How will you design your brand and how it engages at its touch points? Now you can take a solid complete look at your ideal client and consider- whats their world like? What is it about their perceptions that makes them see, and think and act as they do? What is it about what you do that your ideal client absolutely loves and chooses to keep in their reality? What is it about how you do what you do, and the experiences you create for the awesome people you engage, that makes them want to revisit this experience and reinforce the knowing that they really appreciate your take and what you bring to the table? What is it about you that helps them perceive their world with the kind of perspective that really puts all the responsibility and power back into their hands? How, exactly will you choose to show up for yourself and for your business? Remember- you’re a part of they’re reality as much as they are of yours, but it’s your perception and understanding of what reality is that determines how you engage it. The world is truly yours and the option of designing your preferred experience is at your fingertips.

We are curators of our own reality, and we can choose to expand beyond what we tell ourselves is the truth. Sometimes fear, anxiety, lack of confidence, etcetera, can effect the way we perceive reality and that keeps us reliving the past. The more we stay in those moments and practice those ideas and patterns of behaviour, the more they are reinforced and embedded. So I invite you to try something new if you are feeling stuck, try something to shake you out of your comfort zone and practice this perspective simply as a new collected experience. One that could potentially help you to show up a little differently- with intention and a clearer understanding of the whole truth — or at least, a slightly larger observable fraction of it.

I truly hope you enjoyed the read.

